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    Bird Nesting Materials Will Attract More Species

    Bird Nesting MaterialAttract more feathered friends to your yard with nesting materials.

    You can encourage nest building in your yard and attract more wild birds by offering bird nesting materials such as; feathers, cotton yarns and strings, hemp and aspen fiber. Several holders and kits with refills make it an easy task that yields favorable results – for you and the birds!

    The Birdie Bell shown at left is a versatile nest material vessel that can be used year round. Shaped to hold the common birdseed bells for winter feeding, they also hold orange halves and other fruits for summer time feeding for orioles, woodpeckers and others.

    Nesting wreaths contain some of the favorite bird nesting materials mentioned above, and also have refills available.  North American non-cavity dwellers will seek these materials to build suitable nests. Add a fresh water source such as a bird bath, and if there are trees and shrubs in your yard to offer cover, and not too many predators…you’ll see birds who never even visit your feeders.

    With spring upon us, it’s quite favorable that feathered friends will take up residence soon!bird nesting materials