seed catchers and white doves
What might seed catchers have to do with white doves? Absolutely nothing, except this post was going to be about the benefits of seed catchers… until I received a strange phone call from a customer this morning.
A request was made for an 8 x 8 birdhouse for white doves. Now from a past experience I told the person that doves aren’t likely to use birdhouses. He proceeded to tell me he was purchasing fourteen white doves from a rental company. This piqued my curiosity, so I asked him “why would you do that?” His answer was to keep his niece happy. So I asked “how old is your niece?” “she’s two years old” he said. My suggestion was that he purchase some stuffed animal white doves for her instead.
It turned out he needed an eight foot by eight foot enclosure to keep the doves housed. I asked him to look-up bird aviary on the web to get an idea of what he would need. He proceeded to tell me “four grand a pop”. So I reminded him this would be an expensive, and time consuming endeavor, besides the fact doves are not pets. I can only hope I deterred him in his final decision.
Oh yeah… and here’s a great seed catcher that’s adjustable for hanging or pole-mounted feeders.
The SeedHoop is a large, 30-inch diameter tray that is very effective at catching spilled seed… and even doves (mourning doves that is ) will rest and eat on the large open surface. Maybe seed catchers and doves do have something to do with each other after all?