Make a Hanging Bird Bath
Fresh water is hands-down the best way to entice wild birds to your yard. Birdbaths really do attract feathered friends and keep them coming back… even more so than houses or feeders! Baths can range from pedestal styles to ground or deck mounted models, and of course hanging bird baths. Found in materials like ceramics, stoneware, copper and glass, birdbaths range from simple to elaborate works of art for ultimate garden decor.
You needn’t spend a small fortune to have a bird bath though, any shallow container that holds water works just fine for birds. A pretty plant saucer will make a great bathing spot. If ground predators lurk in the area, it’s best to raise the bath off the ground. The most important thing is the water be fresh. What’s the best kind of birdbath? The one you are willing to maintain.
This clever hanging bird bath can be made very quickly and inexpensively. Necessary materials are rope, a plastic plant saucer and a grapevine wreath, the decorative leaves are strictly optional.
First cut three pieces of rope- 5 feet in leng
th. Knot them together at both ends, and place the grapevine wreath inside the ropes as shown here. Next place the saucer inside the wreath. If you opt for the decorative leaves, simply tuck them into the wreath and wind them around the ropes. Use more rope for hanging if necessary.
Fill with water and enjoy birds at their new refreshing oasis!
- Bird Accessories, Bird Bath, Bird Baths, Birdbaths, Misters and Birdbath Drippers, Solar Fountain Bird Baths, Uncategorized, Water Wiggler
Add Moving Water to Your Birdbath and Watch the Show!
Fresh water in a birdbath is by far one of the best ways to entice song birds to your yard. Even those who may not use birdhouses or feeders will usually stop by for a sip or dip! You can count on this, be it extreme summer heat…or frigid winter months, a birdbath is a necessity if you’re trying to attract wild birds to your yard.
Adding accessories like birdbath drippers, water wigglers or misters works like a visual magnet to birds, the difference is amazing. Moving water attracts birds like you wouldn’t believe! The added benefits are no stagnant water and the water stays cleaner longer. Also, nasty mosquitoes can not lay eggs in moving water.
In our birdbaths at home, you’ll find two water wigglers and two drippers…our birds love them and we’d never go back to standing water.
- Bird Accessories, Bird Bath, Bird Baths, Birdbaths, Ceramic Bird Baths, Deck-Mount Birdbath, Hanging Bird Bath, Pedestal Bird Bath, Uncategorized
Bird Baths Will Have Them Flocking!
By and large, a fresh water source will attract more birds to your yard! The best single way to entice feathered friends is with bird baths. Many species who may never visit a feeder, or even use a birdhouse to nest, will visit a birdbath with fresh water in it. Many styles will compliment an environment nicely by using design elements that are found in nature itself.
This hand made pedestal birdbath is also hand painted. Cheery Goldfinches perched on graceful branches is such a scene found in nature. These kinds of ceramic baths really do enhance the garden or yard, and bring it to life once discovered by birds.
The bath doesn’t have to be a pedestal type either, hanging bird baths are also wonderful for attracting birds. And if it’s a close-up view you’d like, deck-mount bird baths bring the action right to your window. Hanging and deck mounted bird baths are also perfect for smaller spaces. While birds tend to bathe at ground level in the wild, raised baths are preferred if predators lurk in the yard.
The optimal water depth for bird baths is really only two to three inches. This is the depth where birds can bathe and wade comfortably. If the birdbath is deeper, a large rock may be placed in the center for birds to perch. Adding a birdbath to your yard will positively impact the numbers and different species who will visit…try it and see!