- Bird Accessories, Bird Feeders, Bird Houses, Blue Bird Houses, Bluebird Feeders, Bluebird Houses, Uncategorized
Both Bluebird Houses are Finally Occupied!
In my yard I have three bluebird houses, that were for the longest time, vacant. They are pole mounted and all have squirrel baffles below the house for protection from predators. The bluebirds use and enjoy the multiple birdbaths around the yard, but I think the reason they decided to finally take up residence is….the meal worms!
Back in early spring I put up a new bluebird feeder and tried a few types of food. Nothing seemed to work, and I was really bummed at having spent good money on a recycled bluebird feeder, a new pole and yet another baffle. (The squirrels are just ridiculous in my yard-even though they have plent to eat too!)
Then I found a company where bulk mealworms could be purchased, so an order for 10,000 mealworms was placed with overnight delivery. That’s all it took! The bluebirds wait for me each morning to put their worms in the feeder, and the action starts. It’s great to watch them, and the effort has paid off because there are nests in all three bluebird houses.
Is it any wonder that all my critters (inside and outside) eat better than me?
- Bird Accessories, Bird Houses, Blue Bird Houses, Bluebird Houses, Recycled Birdhouses, Uncategorized, Unique Birdhouses, Wood Birdhouse
Bluebird Houses to Chase the Blues!
Since the hummingbirds are not yet in full force, the bluebirds are really grabbing my attention. When I get up in the morning and look out the window, Mr. Bluebird is in the same spot waiting for me to fill the dish. It’s been going on about 3 weeks, and I’m sure there is a nest in at least one of my three bluebird houses. This makes me happy! I love to watch them eat from the little dish attached to the bird feeder pole…it works perfectly. I change their food around, offering meal worms, bluebird nuggets, and Avian Cuisine’s Nutri Crumbles Bluebird Delight. They love it!
The bluebird house pictured above is actually made of vinyl-just like real houses. Consider it an investment in real estate, as it will last a lifetime and house many future bluebird families.
Bluebird Houses for Safe Nesting
Bluebirds are a wonderful species indeed! It’s hard to resist their beauty, gentle disposition and sweet song. Their nesting needs are specific, and differ from other cavity dwelling birds. Placement of proper bluebird houses, or nest boxes, and suitable habitat are two important factors for attracting them.
The best habitats are open, short-grassy areas where they can find food. Bluebirds feed on insects and search low to the ground to find their prey. They also enjoy berries and fruit, and will perch atop these kinds of trees to eat.
There are tons of bluebird house designs being used today by backyard birders with much success–from basic nest boxes to elaborate, decorative houses. The most important thing is to provide bluebirds with a nesting site that is safe and secure to raise their brood. You can always be sure about a nest box if it has been “NABS approved” by the North American Bluebird Society.