A Really Small World of Birdhouse Kits
This one’s called The Right, a Box for Birds design aptly named after Frank Lloyd Wright’s mod style of architecture.
Extremely bird-friendly, and fun, puzzle-like birdhouse kits to assemble, several went out the door as holiday gifts this month. One in particular had a pretty cool story behind it, and the card was signed “Frank Lloyd Wren”. The sender thought it fun to keep the recipient guessing!
So when we received a letter with Frank Lloyd Wren in the subject line, it rang a bell, and raised an eyebrow. Read on if you have any doubt in small world syndrome:
Turns out that a friend halfway across the country happens to be a mutual friend of one of those recipients. While visiting over the holidays and celebrating good cheer, the topic of birdhouses came up. When my friend mentioned our business, the recipient exclaimed “that’s where the birdhouse kit was from!”
Turns out our friend is a good friend of the recipient of Frank Lloyd Wren! So, to John and Deb: May your new
birdhouses host many successful broods over the years! And to the sender, Deb’s sister in TX… great choice! By the way, the Cedar Side Entry Bird House should also entice a nuthatch or two to your place in spring!