un-square and un-boring hopper bird feeders
With so many variations of bird feeders out there, how would you ever pick the right kind if you’re new to backyard birding? Aside from offering fresh water in a bath, choosing several feeders which hold different kinds of food is very effective for enticing feathered friends.
There are five basic types of wild bird feeders, although variations abound! Hopper Bird Feeders like this ceramic blue one also add a decorative touch to any garden or landscape.
Tube Feeders dispense seed and allow multiple small birds to feed at once. The ones with very tiny ports are designed for thistle or nyjer seed-which is a favorite of Goldfinches and Pine Siskins.
Hopper Bird Feeders are likely the most popular type of feeder as they attract a wide variety of birds and generally have larger seed capacities. They feature removable or lifting lids for easy filling and cleaning, and a ledge, or perching space to accommodate several birds.
Platform or Fly-Thru Feeders will attract the widest variety of birds, they’re versatile for offering several kinds of treats that you can change with seasons. One drawback to this type of feeder is is that seeds can become contaminated with droppings and may mold quicker with the right weather conditions. A fly-thru feeder’s roof has an advantage to protect seed from weather.
Nectar Feeders are meant for Hummingbirds and Orioles, and may be seasonal according to your location.
We use them from mid-March through December in this North Georgia yard. Commercial nectar mixes are widely used, but we think the home-made sugar water solution is preferred.
Suet Feeders are usually a cage-type or bag feeder and should be protected from squirrels (and other pets). They’re great for offering fruit slices in summer, and nesting material in early spring. Many species covet suet for it’s high protein and fat content, especially during cold winter months. No-melt varieties of suet are also made for warm-weather feeding, as migratory birds also enjoy this special treat.
So that’s a basic run-down of wild bird feeders… although some may be more wild than others! This ceramic cupcake is also a variation of the popular hopper feeder.