Prevent Wasp’s Nests in your decorative bird houses
Ever check a birdhouse only to be disappointed in finding a wasp’s nest instead of bird’s nest? It happens all the time as conditions are also perfect for housing the pesky insects. Especially inside wooden houses, they love to build their honeycomb structures and thrive.
You can actually guard against hornet and wasp invasion, and keep those decorative bird houses reserved for birds only. The secret weapon is soap! Yes, plain old simple bar soap. Take a dry bar of soap and rub it on the underside of the roof inside the bird house. This is where most nests are found. Wasps can not (or will not) cling to a surface that has been “soaped”. They’ll also build nests on the vertical walls of the house, but usually near the top. These areas should also have the dry soap applied. It will not harm birds, nor hinder the nesting process.
Granted you’ve got to be able to get your hand inside the house to do this, and some decorative bird houses may not allow that option. These fun ceramic birdhouses actually separate so you can get to the inside should the need arise. When choosing any birdhouse, it’s best to make sure it’s a functional one if you’d like to entice feathered friends to nest. Always look for some type of clean-out so you can remove old nests, ventilation is important too. The house will be more bird-friendly if the entrance is situated somewhat toward the top portion as well. This helps protect nestlings from predator’s reach.
Nesting season is here, we found four eggs in one of our bluebird houses today! It won’t be long before chickadees, titmice, warblers and all the other cavity-dwelling birds start seeking digs to raise their young. If you’ve already got bird houses in your yard, it’s best to check for old nests and remove them. A plastic bag works great, just grab the nest and turn the bag inside out, otherwise, gloves are recommended.
Make decorative bird houses available for your beaked buddies this season… and they’ll thank you for housing the birds! Oh, and don’t forget the soap if wasps or hornets are a problem around your yard.
Finally… Welcome spring 🙂 -
from burbs to city with decorative bird houses
Some “birder” folks in big cities face a challenge when it comes to attracting desirable songbirds. It seems an unwelcome, furry rodent type, better known as the rat-is usually attracted to fallen seed and ground waste. But by no means do you have to abandon the birds!
Feeding suet leaves no waste or ground mess, and water in a birdbath are both effective, easy, and economical methods to entice birds. Oh… and let’s not forget birdhouses, because even in the city, birds need roosting spots and nesting cavities.
Kelle Frymire faced this dilemma when she moved from the suburbs of Chicago to the big city. With a suggestion from her long time friend and landscaper, Rocque Emlong, it was decided that decorative bird houses would be used to lure feathered friends. His creative idea spawned an almost magical tale, a display bringing smiles to many people, both young and old! Not just one or two houses… but 20-30 decorative bird houses (that actually look like birds) adorn an ancient oak tree next to Kelle’s house.
Hand carved decorative bird houses bring this old oak tree to life, with such character and charm that the neighbors delight, and local kids insist on saying “hi” to the birds on a daily basis! Some of the birdhouses sit suspended in animation between the the tree itself and the residence, using monofilament. The wooden birdhouses provide roosting spots on cold nights, and yes… even nesting cavities in early spring, You can read the full story on this magical creation here.
Birdhouses that look like birds? You bet! From Bobbo, Inc, these decorative bird houses are hand carved in Indonesia, using a quick-growth & renewable resource called Albesia wood. The houses are complete
with clean-outs and provide a perfect nest site for your avian amigos… with a very unique character all their own!
Thanks for housing the birds!
- Bird Houses, Decorative Bird Houses, Uncategorized, Unique Birdhouses, Vinyl with Copper Roof Birdhouses
exquisite decorative bird houses to last a lifetime!
Let’s face it, in any market you’ll find junk and you’ll find quality… doesn’t matter what it is, from products to services… there’s good and not so good. Many bird houses out there claim to be decorative, claim to be quality, and even claim to be functional – when they’re not!
Most times we get what we pay for. So if you purchase a $10 bird house, obviously you wouldn’t expect it to be around for too many seasons. These copper roof decorative bird houses are guaranteed to last a lifetime! They’re hand crafted in the USA, with meticulous construction and stunning quality.
PVC/Vinyl is the main material of the house itself, but you’d never know it. Gone are the slick, plastic-looking materials of yesterday. This vinyl looks and even feels like wood! Absolutely gorgeous in any landscape, these decorative bird houses are available from small to estate sizes. The cooper roof is an option too; in a beautiful, natural patina finish, or a bright, lacquered copper that stays bright and shiny for several years. It will eventually weather, but if desired, polish may be applied to keep the shine.
The larger sizes are even complete with the decorative brackets shown. The vinyl collar simply slips over any standard 4×4 post.
In single and multiple compartments, there’s a decorative birdhouse to suit many tastes, and several species of wild birds too. The tops lift off for easy cleanout, and styles come with copper portals (predator guards) or perches. If you’re looking for a truly beautiful birdhouse, with no maintenance, that will last a lifetime… theses copper vinyls are it!