The First Hummingbird and Happy Easter
Just wanted to wish all a very Happy Easter Holiday!
It saddens me to see that many agricultural-type stores still sell baby chicks and rabbits at Easter. While buying some seed for my many wild bird feeders the other day, I couldn’t help but look in the metal water trough where the chicks were contained. What about the sickly one? Would he make it? Did anyone even care? I found it repulsive, and told the manager about the sick bird, then left the establishment to purchase birdseed elsewhere.
On a much happier note, the first hummingbird was spotted at my feeder yesterday! He must be tired from the long journey, and happy to have found his old feeder ready and waiting on him. Last summer I had two leaf misters set out, and the hummingbirds absolutely loved them. They would play and flit around everyday in the fine mist. I wonder if he was looking for that too? Not quite warm enough yet in Atlanta for that.
Easter Birdies Need Homes Too!
With the arrival of Easter, so begins the nesting season for many wild birds. Scientific data has shown a vast decrease in available nesting sites, mostly due to the increased destruction of natural habitat. Competition from non-native species also contributes to the decline in possible nest sites.This year, instead of adopting cute baby chicks at Easter Time, consider a unique birdhouse. They are available in sooooo many themes! You may want to hide one for the Easter Egg Hunt for one lucky recipient to take home.With a serious shortage in nesting sites, a real home will make a difference for wild birds in your yard!Happy Easter!♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥