• Bird Accessories,  Thistle Feeders,  Uncategorized,  Wild Bird Feeders

    Crowds at Your Thistle Feeder?

    thistle feederFeeding Goldfinches through winter definitely has it’s advantages. These vibrant, sweet  songbirds will  grace your yard with amazing beauty and song during warmer months. Folks have nicknamed the American Goldfinch the “wild canary” due to their dazzling, lemon color. Sadly though, they they don’t remain this color all year because of molting, the process that replaces worn and tattered feathers with fresh new ones. Despite their drab winter plumage…they’re the same sweet birds that will flock to a thistle feeder all winter long.

    One of the best ways to keep goldfinches around is to eliminate their need to compete. Most times, they’ll give up on over-crowded feeders. An easy, and economical way to do this is by adding thistle sacks, small to medium nylon mesh stockings, meant for feeding thistle, or nyjer seed. The entire surface lets birds feast on the seed.

    Around your garden…don’t dead-head Marigolds, Zinnias, Coneflowers, or Cosmos, Goldfinches feast on these as well.  Nesting material and birdbaths will always help entice most feathered friends to your yard too!thistle feeder

  • Bird Accessories,  Bird Feeders,  Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders,  Uncategorized,  Wild Bird Feeders

    Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder to the Rescue!

    squirrel proof bird feederIf the squirrels in your yard believe that your bird feeders are meant for them, then you’ve likely wasted enough money on disappearing seed! The furry critters can eat their weight in bird seed in one week! Even with a baffle, if not placed strategically and correctly, bird feeders will fall prey to the menacing acrobatics of the backyard gray squirrel.

    But with a good squirrel proof bird feeder you’ll never have to think of the intruding squirrel again. Every bit of food will remain available for your feathered friends. With a wise investment in a squirrel proof feeder, you will have saved enough money in birdseed over time to pay for it, and save yourself countless episodes of squirrel/bird feeder aggravation!

    squirrel proof bird feeder

  • Bird Accessories,  Bird Feeders,  Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder,  Uncategorized

    A New Twist on Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders

    squirrel proof bird feedersEver more challenging is the war against squirrels! These furry critters can do some real damage to your wallet as they can eat their weight in bird seed in one week. Now, multiply that by the 8 or 10 squirrels who hang out in your yard and that’s a problem!

    As more folks get into the great hobby of backyard birding, so do more squirrel resistant feeders become available to us. Squirrel proof bird feeders have come a long way from the plain old caged versions. These still work great too, but other, more attractive options may be what you are seeking.

    This sleek, slim-line squirrel proof bird feeder is complete with a built in baffle. It even includes the pole for mounting. With an all-inclusive feeder such as this, you can forget the worries of adding bird accessories to complete the job.

    Always remember, squirrels can jump sideways up to eight feet, so when placing your feeder, be sure it is not too close to any type of horizontal launching point for the sneaky acrobats!