• Bird Accessories,  birdhouse kits,  Uncategorized

    Birdhouse Kits & Bird Feeder Kits Too

    birdhouse kitsbirdhouse kits

    For many folks creating something is much like letting their spirit soar! Craft projects have become wildly popular as stress relievers, money savers, and just plain relaxing enjoyment.

    You can create functional items for feathered friends like houses and feeders that will be used again and again. By providing real nesting sites with birdhouse kits, you’ll entice more cavity-dwelling birds to nest and take up residence in your yard. After all, isn’t this what backyard birding is all about?

  • Bird Accessories,  Bird Houses,  Blue Bird Houses,  Bluebird Houses,  Decorative Bird Houses,  Uncategorized,  Unique Birdhouses

    One Heck of a Bluebird House!

    bluebird house

    What would make this bluebird house so special?

    Aside from the handsome architectural details, this house is constructed similar to the ones people live in…it’s vinyl! PVC, just like the vinyl siding used on residences, it withstands elements and lasts a lifetime. These bluebird houses are manufactured on a CNC router to ensure absolute precision and quality. Bluebirds nesting here will never experience leaky roofs or drafty walls. With a cypress shingle roof and copper portal, the look and feel are high quality.

    The other great advantage with this high quality bluebird house is the vinyl sleeve post that’s included. It’s meant to streamline the look of the house, while fitting over any standard 4 x 4 post.  And with the cellular expanded PVC board, there’s never any worries of rotting, cracking, splitting or fading…guaranteed!

    PS: Don’t forget fresh water for bluebirds, critical through winter. They’re more likely to stick around for nesting season if you provide heated bath water for them now.

  • Bird Accessories,  Bird Feeders,  Hummingbird Feeders,  Uncategorized,  Window Hummingbird Feeder

    Breakfast Room Window Hummingbird Feeder

    window hummingbird feeder

    If you’re lucky enough to have a breakfast room with a picture window and wonderful view, there’s no better place for a bird feeder! Whether sipping morning coffee, or frantically scrambling in the kitchen, this window can add a touch of mental therapy with nature’s beauty. There’s a reason for that saying: “Stop and smell the roses”.

    This hand made nectar feeder actually mounts to the deck rail, but serves the same purpose as a window hummingbird feeder, it’s right there…complete with close up views. It’s difficult to capture the words when you’re viewing hummingbirds as they’re truly the most amazing of all migratory birds. Their sheer size, sweet song, daring acrobatics and crazy antics are really worth the effort of attracting them. And, if squirrels present a problem with bird feeders, this is a perfect feeder solution for summer months. Don’t forget to add a fresh water source for birds as well, you’ll attract more species with this simple resource.