Did Ya Hang Your Hummingbird Feeders Yet?
It’s definitely time as the sprites are making their way north!
The key to attracting migratory birds like hummingbirds and orioles is to be ready prior to their arrival. Even when trying to get resident birds (like bluebirds) to nest, houses should be ready while scouts are claiming territory.
So by the looks and dates of the migration map, hummingbird feeders should be up and filled now to welcome Ruby Throated friends. It’s a long journey for the little guys and natural food sources are still scarce as snow flies across much of the mid-west and northeast US.
Whether the weather decides to cooperate or not… birds will make their way and nature will take her course, some years migration is easier than others. The very same day we spotted our first hummingbird in GA, American goldfinches’ first molt was completed. Overnight, these birds turned bright yellow with summer (or breeding) plumage.
Hand-Held Hummingbird Feeders
It’s the new craze that provides big thrills. Getting so close to such a tiny and amazing creature and just feeling them on your hand gives off a dose of adrenaline! How to explain that? We can’t- but you’ll see countless videos of folks using Nectar Dots, Whimsy Wands, Hummer Rings and other hand held feeders to experience the thrill.
Reactions are priceless, and videos go viral.
To perch or not to perch?
It’s likely a matter of preference and what style feeder’s best for you to maintain. We prefer perches as hummingbirds can rest while feeding thus conserving energy. But in nature most flowers which hummingbirds feast upon… don’t have perches!Folks always ask “What’s the best feeder?” or “What’s the best bird bath?” Simply put, the best of anything is the one that you will maintain. But we would suggest ceramic or glass hummingbird feeders in a saucer style that won’t leak or drip.
Make this the year to make your own nectar
It’s SO EASY! The ratio is always 1:4, pure cane sugar to water. No need to boil water but 1 part water will dissolve sugar quickly and effectively. Add 3 parts cold water and eliminate cooling time. Economical, simple and best for bird’s health too!Happy Birding and may spring head your way soon!
New Experience with Unique Hummingbirds Feeders
Folks on the east coast just aren’t as lucky with varieties and season length when it comes to hummingbirds. CA and AZ see more species, with many being year-round residents.
BUT, we do love our ruby throated ones, and if you’re lucky maybe a rufous now & then too! Most can’t wait for their migration and the season to commence… simply because there’s something magical about them! We dig out and clean feeders in preparation, and track the birds’ activities on hummingbird migration maps. The anticipation and first arrivals are the best!
This year, you can get closer than ever to the tiny sprites by feeding them right from your hand. Hum-Buttons are unique hummingbird feeders that allow you to easily train the birds for this personal, up-close and awesome experience!
Offered in a set of three feeders, simply place them near an existing feeder and hummingbirds will soon be using them. Once they become accustomed, hold the feeder while standing as still as possible. Although it’s not rocket science, it does require a bit
of patience.
Another helpful article at first is sunglasses! By avoiding eye contact, the sprites are more likely to fly in for a close-up.
Make your own nectar this year too (plain table sugar and water @ 1:4 ratio) and avoid red dye or anything else in the solution. There’s even a handy dandy container which requires no measuring, you can store it in the fridge and microwave if you boil the water (although not necessary). The self-measuring pitcher is called Nectar Aid and it was wildly popular last season, you don’t even need the spoon because it has a mixer attached.
Check the video below to see a Hum-Button in action, and as for the flying jewels… we wish you safe travels!
hand-feed hummers with this window hummingbird feeder set
Something very special about hummingbirds makes them most endearing to us. Perhaps it’s their tiny size, lightening fast antics, or the sheer distance of their migration which we find so fascinating? Their behavior is just cute, even when it come to their territorial displays, which can sometimes be maddening!
They say patience is a virtue, and it is with patience you can train hummingbirds to feed by hand. This set of small feeders consists of a window hummingbird feeder and a staked feeder for potted plants.
Once hummingbirds become familiar with these feeders, the stakes, or bases, are meant to be hand-held. Sitting very quiet and still, while holding this window hummingbird feeder will entice the tiny sprites to drink from them while you’re holding the feeder in your hand!
The set is complete with two extra feeding tubes and caps. One Feeder is meant to be placed directly on the window, while the other is upright and staked. Copper stems are sturdy but adjustable. A great hobby to try this or next hummingbird season. Patience is the key… because “if you build it – they will come”!