Heated Bird Baths Do The Trick!
An investment in a birdbath is well worth the visitors it will bring to your yard. If you’re thinking of a new one to replace the old chipped concrete one …or even your first one…consider heated bird baths if your winters are freezing. Just as important in sweltering summer heat, a constant fresh water source is crucial to birds when temperatures freeze. Many folks believe birds eat snow for water (and they can) but it’s very difficult for them to metabolize and burns precious calories needed to stay warm. Shallow ponds will also tend to freeze over when temperatures drop below 32 degrees, and this renders a consistent and reliable water source useless for birds.
Remember, the heater does not need to run to use the bath year-round. In our yard there are 3 heated bird baths running throughout winter. This is part of the reason our bluebirds stuck around all year. Likely it was the live meal worms that were the big attraction, but these baths ensured fresh water daily regardless of the weather.
Provide Life Saving Bird Baths in Winter
Heated Bird Bath in Use During freezing temperatures, a wild birds’ search for drinking water becomes critical as natural water sources ice over. Birds are able to use snow as a water source, but often snow becomes glazed over with ice and is useless as far as drinking. The most critical time for birds is when there is no snow cover, and temperatures remain below freezing. By placing heated bird baths in your yard, you’re offering a life sustaining element to wild birds.
The best place for a heated birdbath is on the south side of a wind break, such as a house, wall, fence, or shrubbery. Ground level birdbaths are more efficient at conserving heat and energy as they will only lose heat from the top, as opposed to a pedestal or deck mount birdbath, which lose heat on top and bottom.