• Bird Accessories,  Bird Feeders,  Hummingbird Feeders,  Recycled Bird Feeders,  Uncategorized

    Hummingbird Feeders Go Eco

    hummingbird feedersReuse and Recycle with eco-friendly wild bird accessories.

    Recycled glass has become very popular in the last few years.  Even hummingbird feeders are available in this eco-friendly art glass.  These feeders are high quality, and functional design for any environment.

    The choices are amazing….you don’t have to use a red plastic version anymore!  The myth of the red feeder is really just a myth.  Tiny jewels know if the feeder has nectar in it for them…not sure how, but they know!hummingbird feeders

    With the vibrant hues and creative designs, hummingbird feeders make lasting, and excellent gift choices for the nature lover on your list.

    Commercial nectar is ok for hummingbirds, but we’ve found that plain old sugar actually works best to attract more hummers.

    Simple Nectar Recipe: 1 cup sugar to 4 cups water…nothing else in the mix as it will harm hummingbirds.

    You don’t have to boil the water–bacteria is spread through the bills of the hummingbirds at the feeders. Boiling water makes for quicker and easier dissolving of sugar. We boil 1 cup water, mix the sugar and add 3 cups cold water. The nectar is ready with no cooling time.  Store unused portion in the fridge for up to 2 weeks. Happy Birding!

  • Bird Accessories,  Bird Feeders,  Hummingbird Feeders,  Nesting Material,  Uncategorized,  Window Hummingbird Feeder

    Place this Near Your Window Hummingbird Feeder

    window hummingbird feederwindow hummingbird nesting mterialIf you enjoy watching hummingbirds and have feeders in your yard to attract them, why not also encourage them to stay a while and nest there too?

    A new product called Hummer Helper is specifically designed for hummingbirds.  It encourages them to nest naturally and nearby, thus increasing hummer population in your immediate area.  It has even been endorsed by The Hummingbird Society.

    If you have a window hummingbird feeder, hang the hummer helper nearby to encourage tiny jewels to set up house in your backyard.  You’ll likely see more hummingbirds at feeders as fledglings begin feeding as well.  Since hummingbirds practice “site fidelity” there’s a strong chance you’ll see a greater increase in hummingbirds at your feeders each year.