Birdhouse Kits Go Eco Too
Sustainability is where it’s at today, we see it all around us via products in every realm of life. Recycle-Reuse!
Recycled birdhouses and bird feeders have made their way into the marketplace too, offering a fabulous option to their wood and plastic counterparts. Most have guarantees to never crack, split or fade, and they keep plastics out of our landfills, and trees in the ground-where they belong!
Even recycled birdhouse kits are available for those who wish to build their own. The kits make great projects for church or kids groups, even family projects. Whether a birdhouse, or bird feeder kit, it’s a great way to teach today’s kids the mega-importance of stewardship!
- Bird Accessories, Bird Houses, Blue Bird Houses, Bluebird Houses, Decorative Bird Houses, Recycled Birdhouses, Uncategorized, Unique Birdhouses, Wood Birdhouse
Choose a Recycled Blue Bird House This Time
Over time, wooden birdhouses tend to weather, and if you happen to have pesky squirrels who like to gnaw on wood…well, this doesn’t help much either. The new recycled birding products are constructed to last a lifetime, and most come with manufacturer’s guarantees to never crack, split or fade. They may cost a few dollars more, but the investment is well worth it. Aside from a durable, long lasting product, you’ll be helping to keep plastics out of landfills, and every little bit does matter!
The recycled blue bird house pictured above is made from 43 plastic containers, is of the highest quality and approved by the North American Bluebird Society (NABS). Look for this symbol when purchasing a bluebird house to ensure it meets proper standards for bluebirds.
- Bird Accessories, Bird Houses, Blue Bird Houses, Bluebird Houses, Decorative Bird Houses, Uncategorized, Unique Birdhouses
Blue Bird Houses…Built to Last a Lifetime!
Beautiful and classic, architectural style blue bird houses are coveted by many backyard birders. They just look so darn good! You may have seen these before—maybe not. These classic, architectural bluebird houses are very different from their wood version relatives, although they may look the same.
These blue bird houses are constructed of vinyl, just like vinyl siding on real people houses! They will NEVER crack, split or fade, a guarantee made by the manufactuer. Of the highest quality, your bluebirds will be proud to call this home.