Entice Birds With Nesting Materials
Most folks start with birdhouses and bird feeders to attract wild birds, and this is the perfect way to explore the great hobby of backyard birding. There are many other ways to increase the number of visitors and the number of species to your yard. Water is the number one element. Many birds who never visit a feeder will frequent a yard that offers a continuous fresh water source like a bird bath. Especially during frigid winters when water sources tend to freeze and become scarce, birds depend on a known spot for fresh water. Our bluebirds even over-wintered here in North Georgia, largely because of the three heated bird baths in the yard. Oh yes, the live mealworms helped too!
Many desired songbirds birds (like cardinals and finches) are not cavity-dwellers either, meaning they’ll never use a birdhouse.
Which brings us to yet another feathered friend favorite. Nesting materials are extremely important to birds in early spring. With a severe shortage in natural habitats, many depend on bird-friendly yards for their residence. There are all kinds of kits which offer refills too. This nesting material wreath is one, complete with feathers, cotton fibers, hemp, and raffia. The Bird Nester is a large, cage-like holder for cotton fiber nesting material, and offers refills as well. Even the Hummer Helper, which is nesting material designed specifically for hummingbirds offers refills.
Offering wild birds nesting materials in your yard really helps them to thrive and flourish. You can even craft your own materials using dryer lint, pet hair, cotton yarns, and mosses used in decorative floral design. Use a standard suet cage for holding the materials, or a mesh produce bag from the grocery store (like the kind apples come in). Late winter to very early spring is the best time to set them outside for birds. Simply hang from a tree branch, where they’ll be easily spotted, or even from one of the arms on your shepherd’s hook……happy birding!
Some Really Groovy Birdhouse Kits
Cavity dwelling birds face a very sad real estate problem…good homes are not so easy to come by these days. Mostly because of the vast destruction of natural habitat giving way to strip malls, schools, and more subdivisions. But also from the competition of non-native species. Just who brought over those House Sparrows anyway?
An educational and fun way to provide real nest sites for your feathered friends is with birdhouse kits. The standard wooden kits are widely availabl
e, even as bird feeders and bat house kits. Mostly crafted of durable cedar, they’ll provide many seasons of use and enjoyment. Lately, recycled plastics are the new craze in wild bird accessories, and they’re awesome as far as durability. Most are guaranteed to never crack, split or fade, plus they help to keep these plastics out of landfills. No worries of squirrels gnawing on them like traditional wooden bird accessories.
These recycled birdhouse kits have a unique design that’s fun to assemble, for little kids and big kids too. The groovy designs and vibrant colors are just plain fun, and best of all they provide great nesting sites, as well as roosting spots for wild birds. Th
e 1.25″ entrance is perfect for many small to medium-sized birds, and the perch is removable. These recycled plastic birdhouse kits add a splash of color in the yard, and will look great for years too.
Add a Water Source Near Butterfly Feeders
The butterfly activity around our yard is amazing this season! As compared to last summer, there seems to be at least three to four times more. We have no butterfly feeders per se, but do use various things to attract and keep them around…and it works great!
Flowers in the garden include Lantana, Butterfly Bush, Bee Balm, Abelia shrubs, and Milkweed. The best part is that these are all perennials, quite hardy, and come back bigger every year. There are also two leaf misters which butterflies flit back and forth above all day long in our excruciating summer heat, hummingbirds love them too!.
The newest addition to lure butterflies is large stoneware puddler. With a spot for water in the center, the smooth, white rock gives them a place to rest in the sun and dry off, sun bathing if you will.
So, even without the use of butterfly feeders, you can still entice and attract these graceful and beautiful creatures. Create a habitat for wildlife in your yard by planting trees, shrubs and flowers to provide food and shelter, and adding a fresh water source for birds and wildlife. It brings nature home, and helps the environment too.