- Bird Accessories, Bird Cam, Bird Houses, Bird Watching Camera, Blue Bird Houses, Bluebird Houses, Recycled Birdhouses, Uncategorized, Unique Birdhouses
The Ultimate in a Recycled Birdhouse Cam
This Bluebird House by BirdsChoice, is touted as the “Ultimate Recycled Bluebird House with Bird Cam” Its many great features promise a better chance of a strong, and successful brood.
It is constructed of poly-lumber which comes from recycled plastic and milk jugs, and has a lifetime guarantee to never crack, split or fade. Some great features of this bluebird house include a raised screen floor to reduce blowfly infestations, and front wall screen to help chicks climbing to the entrance hole. A predator-resistant entrance and overhang roof help keep chicks safe and dry. Proper vents and drainage holes keep nest dry and cool. Complete with birdhouse cam, all instructions, and 100’ of cord that connects to your television to watch the nest and babies!
Recycled Wild Bird Accessories
Earth Day is April 22, and it’s a great reminder for us all to be more eco-conscious, and environmentally aware of our surroundings and just how we care for this earth. Recycle and reuse has never been a more important issue. For this and future generations, recyclying is paramount. Earth Day shouldn’t be a special day… it should be everyday!
Among many recycled products are wild bird accessories. Birdhouses and bird feeders have come a long way as far as design, and are readily available in recycled materials. They are mostly made from recycled plastic which is composed of post-consumer waste and packaging. (Fancy words for trash!)
These products last a lifetime, and are guaranteed to never crack, split or fade. They keep plastic out of landfills and the ocean, and prevent deforestation. A recycled birdhouse or feeder may cost an extra few dollars, but the investment is well worth it–being the last time you’ll ever have to replace the item.
Recycled Fly-Thru Bird Feeder