New Recycled Window Bird Feeders Rock!
See birds up close and personal For Earth Day, we chose to feature new and green together. Not quite green in color, the vibrant primary hues make them that much more fun. So what’s so great about our new window bird feeders that’s worth mentioning?
They help keep plastics out of landfills. Back in the day, when our very first poly-lumber (an industry term for recycled plastic) feeders arrived, they had stickers on the roof saying 33 milk jugs were used to make that item. I think the sticker’s still on one of the walls somewhere? Although one feeder may not have much of an impact, when thousands are purchased by consumers… it most certainly makes a difference.
You can attract wild birds in the smallest of spaces with window feeders. The huge yard and landscaping isn’t required. On the balcony or deck, birds will visit your feeders. A shallow pan of fresh water is a good idea, and only helps further entice them.
Recycled plastic (glass and ceramic too) are actually healthier for birds! The non-porous surface thwarts bacteria and mold from settling into crevices. Don’t get us wrong… wood is good, but the slick, smooth surface is much easier to clean and maintain as it resists bacteria that’s harmful to birds.
Will never rot, split, fade, peel, crack or warp! Poly-lumber items are guaranteed by most manufacturers. Color won’t fade as it’s solid all the way through, no top-coatings to chip away over time. The material is so durable, products are guaranteed to never peel, warp, fade, rot, split or crack – pretty impressive really!
Offer birds a variety of treats throughout the year and see who visits? The open dish design of these feeders will not limit you to offering birdseed. Suet and crumbles, shelled peanuts, fruit, jelly placed in a small cup (for orioles, cat birds and woodpeckers), and even mealworms will entice a wide variety of visitors. Offer specialty items in summer for migratory birds, and your basic seed and suet in winter for resident friends.
With spring in the air, we spotted a pair of Indigo Buntings yesterday, and Mr. & Mrs. Red-Breasted Grosbeak today!
So there’s a few good reasons why we think these window feeders are fab, plus they’re bird-tested and bird-approved. To welcome spring and help out Mother Earth, consider a new birdhouse or feeder for your feathered friends… the rewards are well worth the endless hours of entertainment they’ll provide.
Happy Earth Day and thanks for feeding the birds!