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The Sky Cafes are fantastic squirrel proof bird feeders
Enjoy feeding birds… not squirrels?
When all other solutions against pesky squirrels raiding your feeders fail, then it’s time for some squirrel proof bird feeders that really work! The line of Sky Cafe feeders is innovative, attractive and durable, they even guarantee against squirrel shenanigans. When these feeders are hanging, squirrels can not get past the large, wide baffle, and the cool design even helps protect seed ports from weather.
A large capacity, non-cage style squirrel proof feeder, dining birds are easily viewed from all angles with no obstructions. You’ll sp
end less time filling and more time watching beaked buddies in your yard. Several styles and colors are available, this one even has seed dividers for an “Al a Carte” menu!
Want to pole mount a bird feeder and still thwart squirrels? No problem with the Sky Cafe Pole Mount Baffle. Sky Cafe products are deemed the “Fort Knox of Bird Feeders” and with good reason… because they work great! Turn your existing pole-mounted feeders into squirrel proof bird feeders in a snap – and for good. Save seed, save money, and save your sanity with quality squirrel proof bird feeders that really work! Check out the video below for a few laughs, and oh yeah, no squirrels were harmed in the filming of this video 🙂
they’re leaders in squirrel proof bird feeders
Sometimes a baffle just isn’t enough, like when squirrels figure out that horizontal launching point from where to jump sideways to reach the feeder. For example, say you’ve got a pole-mounted bird feeder near your deck (so you can watch birds from inside the house). A baffle on the pole will keep crafty critters from shimmying up from the ground, but most times they can jump sideways from the deck to reach the feeder… like about ten feet horizontally!
You’ve likely heard of them before, the Yankee Flipper, Tipper, Whipper and Dipper… but what’s the difference? Droll Yankees is an industry leader in squirrel proof bird feeders. They’re line of weight-calibrated feeders mentioned above is unsurpassed, squirrel’s shenanigans just don’t stand a chance! But the four similar names of these squirrel proof bird feeders might pique one’s curiosity as to their differences.
First, it’s a good idea to know that all of these squirrel proof bird feeders are the same size, with same large, five-pound capacity. Each also contains four feeding ports. Colors differ with each model, the Dipper is burgundy, Flipper is hunter green, Whipper is midnight blue, and the Tipper is classic black. They all have similar product features and lifetime warranties against squirrel damage too.
So let’s start with the Yankee Dipper: Basically it operates with four collapsing straight perches, which drop with the weight of anything larger than a Cardinal. Smaller birds like Titmice and Nuthatches are drawn to this type of straight perch at a tube feeder.
The Tipper is a squirrel proof bird feeder complete with a seed tray, and allows more birds to feed at once. Birds who may not actually “perch” may be seen feeding on a seed tray. The tray simply tips 180 degrees when the weight is more than that of four Cardinals at once.
The Whipper also features four collapsable perches, but these are curved and longer, with Cardinals in mind. They can feed “straight-on” which is more comfortable and inviting for them-and many other medium-size songbirds.
The Flipper (pictured at top) is actually motorized with a circular perch. The weight triggers the motor to spin, gently tossing the squirrel off the feeder.
Droll Yankees crafts amazing squirrel proof bird feeders of the highest quality. To see product videos of each of these feeders, just click on the corresponding photo. Investing in a great quality feeder like one of these, will save you birdseed, money, and spare much aggravation… they’re even quite entertaining to watch!
squirrel proof bird feeders… for a while anyway
Even though we feed our squirrels, it’s just never enough food. And let me tell you, our crafty critters have learned how to defy gravity… spinning at the speed of sound on one of our squirrel proof bird feeders. I don’t know how they do it, but hanging on for dear life seems worthy of a few seeds to them?? It never ceases to amaze me that they don’t just fall over flat when the ride’s through. I think the birds really got a kick out of watching them too
They’re constantly trying to outwit every single one of the bird feeders, but always foiled by the ones set up with baffles. Setting up a new feeder on the back deck so I could catch some close-up views from the kitchen and breakfast room window was a great idea in theory.
A hopper seed feeder hangs from a deck bracket. In between the two, a motorized squirrel baffle that is weight-sensitive. At first the spinning feeder would cause the squirrels to want “off” this ride. But after a while, they got use to it and learned to hang on, and even manage a seed or two during the wild ride.
Eventually I gave up and moved the feeder away from the deck and hung it on a pole with a baffle. This solved the problem and still allowed for close-ups of feathered friends. Squirrel baffles, when properly placed, will turn any feeders into true squirrel proof bird feeders… once and for all!