- Bird Accessories, Bird Feeders, Squirrel Baffle, Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder, Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders, Uncategorized
Add a Squirrel Baffle to Save Seed and Money!
If you’re tired of pesky squirrels raiding bird feeders, stealing seed, and making messes, it might be a good time to invest a few bucks in a squirrel baffle.
When used properly, baffles really work in deterring squirrels and keeping them out of feeders. They’re available in hanging styles, pole-mount, or even post-mounted styles too. So, no matter what type of feeder you may be using, there is a baffle to accommodate it.
The one thing to remember is feeder placement, as squirrels can jump like crazy! If your feeder is pole, or post mounted, the bottom of the baffle should be at least 4 feet from the ground. If you have a hanging bird feeder, squirrel’s horizontal jumping can thwart your efforts if the feeder is not placed at le
ast 8 feet away from any possible “launch spot”.
This goes for pole mounted feeders too. Remember, squirrels can jump high and sideways! Place all feeders with baffles far enough away from any possible “launch site” and you’ll achieve success at deterring squirrels from feeders.
- Bird Accessories, Bird Houses, Decorative Bird Houses, Uncategorized, Unique Birdhouses, Wood Birdhouse
A Good Wood Birdhouse Destroyed By Squirrels
I’ve been on a rant about the squirrels in our yard lately…and here is just another statistic! At one time this was a really nice wood birdhouse, but it’s now become a squirrel box. And that is ok, because squirrels need a place to roost on cold winter nights too , but I was pretty sure they nested in trees. Now I do recall seeing Squirrel houses, so I wonder how many broods may have been born and raised in this multi-compartment house?
Now that there are some 25 to 40 squirrels invading the yard, and it’s getting totally out of control…we’re not so sure about the cute little bushy-tailed critters. We have lots of bird feeders, but we have even more squirrel baffles!
Oh yes, and the chicken wire adorning the 5-inch hole in the screen porch looks just lovely too…Thanks a lot Mr. Squirrel!
Pretty Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders
Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder Some of the squirrel resistant bird feeders out there tend to look a little bit on the industrious side. Especially when using baffles on a pole, the look may just not be what you want for your yard.
There are hanging squirrel proof bird feeders which include a decorative scroll mounting bracket. These are available in pewter, green or white, and are made of durable powder coat metal. Models will accommodate nuts or seeds-depending on the insert. Another option in squirrel proofing your bird feeders!