Valentine’s Birdhouses – Unique Birdhouse Boutique
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    unique birdhouses can be edible

    The Wren Casita is edible, unique birdhouses that are feeders too!So many houses… and so little time!

    With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, gifts of nature are always a perfect choice for bird-lovers, garden addicts and the like. Hmmmm… Bird house or bird feeder?

    This groovy Wren Casita is both! A real, full-size wooden wren house is revealed once the premium birdseed has been consumed. Layered with millet, safflower and sunflower, it proves a tasty treat for your avian amigos. Chickadees, finches, and titmice are a few who will flock to this feeder. These unique birdhouses may be painted in a whimsical design, stained, or just left natural to weather over time. The decorative flowers and stems on the Wren Casita may be used by some birds for nest material as well.

    For use as feeder, just hang this unique birdhouse from a tree limb or hanger in view where you’ll be able to watch the action. As with all bird seed, best results will be obtained when it’s protected from the elements and pesky squirrels. For use as a birdhouse, simply hang the Wren Casita in a secluded part of the yard, or mount to a post or tree trunk approximately six to ten feet from the ground.

    Surprise your Valentine with an edible birdhouse that will provide a critical nesting site for many seasons to come. Please help house the birds!