Whole and Shelled Peanut Bird Feeders
Offering a variety of foods will attract more species of wild birds to your feeders. Seed feeders are wonderful for many birds, but some have no interest in them at all. Suet is another food (especially in winter) that will entice more feathered friends.
Peanuts are an absolute favorite of many birds. Jays, Woodpeckers, Nuthatches, Grosbeaks, (and even Bluebirds in winter) will chow down on peanuts. Some birds prefer shelled peanuts, while others will go for whole peanuts too. Squirrels on the other hand, will eat any peanuts!
Adding one or even two peanut bird feeders to your existing setup will definitely entice more species to your yard. Most of these feeders are made from metal and durable stainless steel, but wooden models are also available. If pesky squirrels are a problem, be sure to install a quality squirrel baffle to keep them away from feeders. If you enjoy feeding squirrels, there are peanut bird feeders like this innovative and fun whole peanut metal wreath feeder. It suits both squirrels and birds….providing the little piglets leave some food for the birds!
As always, be sure to offer a fresh water source like a birdbath, as this will increase the number of species and sheer numbers of visitors to your place.
One Heck of a Bird Feeder Pole!
Although space may be limited in your yard, you can still attract many species of wild birds. Offering suet and seed mixes, or even peanuts will entice Blue Jays, Nuthatches, Chickadees, Woodpeckers and many more. A small dish for feeding mealworms will likely bring Blue Birds too.
This bird feeder pole is a complete feeding station kit in one package. With five spots for feeders, food and water, you can bet it will get feathered friends’ attention! The tray holding suet balls may also be used for fruit in summer to attract those vibrant migrants like Tanagers, Orioles and others. The attached small bath is a super convenient way to offer a fresh water source for birds, the visual magnet that brings them home. For a central viewing spot, the Wild Bird Feeding Station is where it’s at!
A Squirrel Baffle Will Win the War Against Squirrels
Tired of squirrels raiding your bird feeders?
It’s an age-old problem that’s been around since folks started feeding birds. At first it may be cute, but then you start to realize how much they can eat! Pesky squirrels can consume their weight in birdseed in just one week, times a few squirrels, and that’s a lot of seed. The cost starts to add up. Then besides that aspect, maaaan, they can be destructive! The little critters can gnaw down wooden bird feeders and render them useless. They’ll even chew and enlarge birdhouse entries to accommodate themselves. The whole scenario starts to become absolutely infuriating! And your peaceful, enjoyable bird feeding efforts have turned into a war with squirrels.
A properly placed squirrel baffle is a most effective way to foil squirrels. Especially if you already have a favorite feeder, the one-time cost of this accessory will solve a big problem…for a long time. Ha
nging, post-mount, and even pole mount baffles are available to suit any need. In acrylic, metal and copper, you’ll find that some models are even quite decorative. The most important thing to remember is placement, as squirrels’ acrobatic agility is uncanny. The horizontal launch point – is any object they can jump horizontally from to access the feeder. Make sure the feeder is at least 8-10 feet from any such spot. For a pole or post mounted squirrel baffle, be sure the bottom of the baffle is at least 4-5 feet from the ground.
Don’t give up bird feeding because of these pesky critters. Squirrel baffles are fairly inexpensive, and a very effective solution to this aggravating problem.