• Bird Accessories,  Bird Feeders,  Live Meal Worms,  Uncategorized

    Live Meal Worms for Better Birding!

    Squeamish about worms in the past, I’ve learned to like them! After trying and trying to attract bluebirds, it was the live meal worms that did the trick. Once I started feeding them, the bluebirds were seen everyday. They even decided to take up residence and nest in one of the bluebird houses. Not one, but two successful broods came into being last spring. I was so darn proud!

    Now, in the dead of winter, with snow in Atlanta, my bluebirds have remained. Three heated birdbaths provide fresh, warm drinking water, and the worms come out every day. I think they’re pretty happy to brave the elements.

    Feeding live meal worms attracts the most sought-after birds, it’s a sure way to attract song birds and exceptionally brilliant birds like tanagers, robins, orioles, cardinals and goldfinches. After tring everything, I think it is the only way to attract the elusive bluebird!

    The benefits of feeding live meal worms include:Male Eastern Bluebird
    •Draw a far wider range of bird species in the garden
    •Provide a high-quality source of protein and fat
    •Adds a new dimension to bird feeding
    •Witness new behaviors from regular visitors
    •Get wild birds to feed from your hand!

  • Bird Accessories,  Bird Feeder Pole,  Uncategorized

    A Bird Feeder Pole with Built In Baffle

    bird feeder poleThere are standard bird feeder poles found at garden centers and discount stores, you know the metal ones with ground stakes? They have an arm or two for hanging feeders or flower baskets, sometimes four arms. The problem with these poles when using bird feeders is squirrels…they shimmy right on up and raid the feeder!

    This deluxe bird feeder pole actually has a built in squirrel baffle. 3 stainless steel springs enable the baffle to free float up and down and side to side. Squirrels cannot get past; guaranteed! It assembles in minutes without tools, and accommodates up to 8 feeders. Hang a bird bath, nesting material, flowers, suet, peanuts, and nectar feeders for hummingbirds and orioles. The choices are endless to create a birding oasis!

    Don’t let squirrels ruin your backyard birding experience. You can stop them dead in their tracks with the Squirrel Stopper Bird Feeder Pole.

  • Bird Accessories,  Bird Feeders,  In Window Bird Feeder,  Uncategorized,  Wild Bird Feeders,  Window Bird Feeder

    Close & Easy With An In Window Bird Feeder

    in window bird feederWhether the groundhog sees his shadow or not, you can sit back in the comfort of your living room or den and enjoy the promise of spring through feathered friends. With a platform type in window bird feeder, a whole new dimension to backyard birding is seen.

    First, the birds come to you. Instead of heading to the window, or grabbing binoculars, birds head right into your room! One-way mirrors in most window feeders allow you to view birds without disturbing them too.

    Second, the platform offers the advantage of variety. You’ll be able to attract more species by feeding different foods. Any seed mixes will work, as well as fruit, suet, peanuts, or meal worms. Peanuts and suet are sought during cold winter months as their fat and protein content are high. The extra calories help to keep birds warm.

    Third, filling and cleaning in window bird feeders is simple….right from inside your home. Most have trays that lift right out for simple cleaning, and filling, well…you don’t even have to drag the seed out to the yard!

    Most feeders fit windows from 24″ to 36″ wide, and side panels provide great insulation and security. For added security, they allow you to completely close and lock your window with the feeder in place. In window feeders make great gifts for seniors who love to watch birds…or for any birding enthusiast, a terrific one-time investment that will bring years or use and enjoyment.