- Bird Accessories, Bird Feeder Pole, Bird Feeders, Hummingbird Feeders, Uncategorized, Window Hummingbird Feeder
keep a window hummingbird feeder out for stragglers
Although the extra four feeders added for busy hummingbird migration weeks have come down and remain in storage until next September, one lonely feeder hangs. It’s an offering for passers-through, stragglers to refuel for their long road trip.
There are still hummingbirds in parts further north who are their way to winter grounds. A pit stop to re-fuel greatly increases their chances of a successful journey! Nectar solution is made stronger this time of year, offering more calories. Because Calories=Energy.
You can turn any hummingbird feeder (except really large capacity ones) into a window hummingbird feeder with sturdy hooks and window hangers. T
he Great Hang-Up, shown here, accommodates up to three pounds… secure and safe! It’s perfect for smaller nectar feeders, and seed feeders too. Close up views of bird behavior are a big part of the whole backyard birding attraction. Watching behavior up close, lets you determine birds further off in the yard just by how they act, and this is great if you have poor eyesight and never wear your glasses! Plus having the freedom to change the feeder with seasons is also very cool. Switch it up and try a window hummingbird feeder next season, with hangers like these, the possibilities are endless.
- Bird Feeders, Bird Nesting Materials, Birding Accessories, Hummingbird Feeders, Nesting Material, Uncategorized, Window Hummingbird Feeder
get them buzzing at your window hummingbird feeder
With the mild winter season across most of the country this year, it won’t be too long before the hummingbirds are back! Unlike any other songbirds, the tiny sprites are really in a class of their own. If you already have them around your place, then you know what I mean. If not, this is the year to feed, plant, and attract them to your yard. The rewards are mesmerizing and tenfold! And, no birdseed to buy… you can make your own nectar from plain table, or cane sugar (no substitutes) and water.
To further entice hummingbirds to your window hummingbird feeder, moving water is always a huge attraction! Here are two other very cool accessories which promise
to bring them buzzing! Check out Pop’s Hummingbird Swing and video below, and Hummer Helper Nest Material (endorsed by The hummingbird Society).
Place this simple but elegant Hummingbird Swing near your feeder and hummingbirds will use it as a territorial perch to watch over their food source. Tested and trusted, check out the video below. Swing, Eat, Chase away other hummingbirds.. repeat! Enjoy!
Hummer Helper Nest Material has actually been endorsed by The Hummingbird Society as being the only commercial nest material that will increase visits to your window hummingbird feeder. By encouraging nesting, juveniles will follow parents to the feeders, and if the habitat is right… those same hummers will return next season! Site fidelity plays a huge role in hummingbird migration, if they find a place they like, they return to that place year after year. Pretty cool, huh?
the versatile window hummingbird feeder
It’s kind of bittersweet-the end of hummingbird season. When the beloved flying jewels have left for their winter homes, and all’s that’s left for us is cleaning and storing the feeders for next season. But it doesn’t have to be!
A basin style window hummingbird feeder can do double duty to serve your resident birds treats during the winter season. From seed mixes, or shelled peanuts, to suet chunks and even mealworms, window hummingbird feeders that feature a basin style can do a two-in-one. Lids remove easily, creating a window feeder for prefect close-up views.
Your resident birds will thank you, especially during frigid weather. So instead of storing that window hummingbird feeder this year, be creative and offer feather friends another feeding spot… without the cost of a new feeder!