Wooden Birdhouse kits…for Bats, Feeders & Fun!
Birdhouse kits provide much more than the entertainment or project itself. With the serious decline in natural habitats due to urban sprawl and commercial zonings, nesting sites for wild birds are actually becoming scarce. It’s a tough real estate market out there!
As projects for church groups, schools, or a rainy day with your kids, there’s no better way to teach something about our precious environment and the immediate need for conservation efforts. Wooden birdhouse kits provide proper nesting sites for more than 50 species of cavity dwelling birds! The most common include: Bluebirds, Kestrels, Owls, Titmice, Chickadees, Nuthatches, Wrens, Tree Swallows, and Woodpeckers. While some other wooden kits include bat houses and bird feeders, there’s even a recycled plastic birdhouse and bird feeder kit now available.
Wood Birdhouse Kits for Bluebirds, Window Views & More!
Great Projects for Young, Old, & In Between!
What better projects than those of conservation and nature to instill a sense of stewardship in children from ages 5 to 105? Birdhouses, and bird feeders are key ingredients to creating wildlife-friendly habitats that will enrich, encourage, and entertain feathered friends and their people hosts alike.
As urban sprawl gives way to more natural habitats at an alarming rate, so many lessons can be taught through simple projects like wood birdhouse kits. Whether scouts, school and church groups, or social activities, these kinds of projects help to raise an awareness about our very own immediate environments and how to enhance them. High quality, inexpensive kits are available in feeders, bat houses and may types of bird houses too. It’s easy to create wildlife habitat with proper nesting sites, and help wild birds thrive and flourish in your area.
- Bird Accessories, Bird Houses, birdhouse kits, Hopper Bird Feeder, Uncategorized, Wood Birdhouse, Wooden Birdhouse Kits
Bat and Feeder Wood Birdhouse Kits
Bat House Kit Looking for a fun summer project to do with the kids? Birdhouse kits fit the bill perfectly, as once the project is complete, you actually have a useful, functional item that will last for years. Wood birdhouse kits are available in more than just houses too. Bat houses can easily be constructed, and teach kids about the tiny creatures as well. Why do so many folks erect bat houses in their yards? One of the main reasons is natural mosquito control…it works great. The wonders of nature, no chemicals needed.
Bird Feeder Kit The kits are also available in bird feeders. Easily constructed, great family project that leaves you with a functional, useful item to last for years. If kids are introduced to the wonderful world of birds, they may actually enjoy the hobby, and learn so much about nature. Stewardship of our planet is more important today than ever before…help feed the birds!