Try Birdbath Accessories and See the Difference!
The single most effective way to attract birds to your yard is with a birdbath. Feathered friends who may never visit a feeder or use a birdhouse will always be tempted with a fresh water source. Especially in winter, during frigidĀ
temperatures when most shallow water sources tend to freeze over, a birdbath heater or deicer may be a life saver for many birds. Newer models, like the Heated Rock, or Matted versions are safe for all types of birdbaths too.
During warmer months, moving water is where it’s at! When birds catch a glimpse of the gentle ripples produced by a water wiggler, or the slow drip of a birdbath dripper, it’s like a visual magnet. Birdbath fountains will attract hummingbirds and many others too. They’re aesthetically pleasing in any environment, and make for excellent, long lasting gifts that will be used daily.
Leaf Misters are also wildly popular during warmer months. Butterflies and warblers love the gentle spray, and can be seen flitting back and forth through the mist. Hummingbirds adore these too. You can get creative with placement of these misters by staking them in the ground, attaching them to a bracket of your porch or deck, or the basic branch placement in a tree or shrub.
One of the other great advantages of having moving water in your birdbath is that mosquitoes can not lay their eggs, thus reducing the overall population in your yard.