Bird Accessories, Bird Feeders, Glass Bird Feeder, Tube Bird Feeder, Uncategorized, Wild Bird Feeders
Tube Birdfeeders for Growing Grass?
Recently we’ve had lots of rain here in Georgia, which is great because we’re usually in a drought. However, I think this past episode may have been one of those “500-year” occurrences!
Inundated, with rain, it has not let up for days, then the grand finale…about 16 inches in 24 hrs. All of the feeders were soggy, soaked, and stinky! Not once, but twice, the tube birdfeeders were dumped and cleaned. The seed became packed down, and downright nasty. There was grass growing in them!
The sideways rain had turned the little sanctuary into a health and safety issue for feathered friends.
With 2000% humidity, waiting until the storm passed,would likely have been a better option!